Brake Health Prediction Using LogitBoost Classifier Through Vibration Signals A Machine Learning Framework



Published Oct 29, 2021
Harish Anusha R. Jegadeeshwaran G Sakthivel


Brake is one of the crucial elements in automobiles. If there is any malfunction in the brake system, it will adversely affect the entire system. This leads to tribulation on vehicle and passenger safety. Therefore the brake system has a major role to do in automobiles and hence it is necessary to monitor its functioning. In recent trends, vibration-based condition monitoring techniques are preferred for most condition monitoring systems. In the present study, the performance of various fault diagnosis models is tested for observing brake health. A real vehicle brake system was used for the experiments. A piezoelectric accelerometer is used to obtain the signals of vibration under various faulty cases of the brake system as well as good condition. Statistical parameters were extracted from the vibration signals and the suitable features are identified using the effect of the study of the combined features. Various versions of machine learning models are used for the feature classification study. The classification accuracy of such algorithms has been reported and discussed.

Abstract 651 | PDF Downloads 739



Brake condition monitoring, vibration signals, statistical features, machine learning, confusion matrix, Logitboost

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