Integration of future maintenance actions in the prediction parameters of the ATLAS COPCO ZR 200 compressor



Published Jul 24, 2021


The prediction of several failure modes of an industrial equipment requires the development of prediction systems with several interdependent parameters. The integration of future maintenance actions with this type of prediction system is a major asset for maintenance decision making. This is even more relevant in the event that after having predicted the future occurrence of several failure modes, the maintenance department does not have the necessary resources to correct all the predicted failure modes at once. In this case it becomes necessary to know how much longer the equipment will work if future partial maintenance actions that do not correct all failure modes are implemented. It is to contribute to the resolution of this problem that we propose an architecture integrating the future maintenance actions to the prediction of several interdependent parameters. This architecture is based on the association of Proportional Integral Derivative regulators to Neuro-Fuzzy systems taking into account the four previous instants to predict the next instant. An application is made with accuracies of the order of 70% for the prediction of the phenomena of fouling of the coolers and of the order of 90% for the prediction of the phenomena of clogging of the filters of the ATLAS COPCO compressor, this with Central Processing Unit values not exceeding one minute.

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future maintenance actions, prediction, ATLAS COPCO compressor, Multi-outputs Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System, Proportional Integral Derivative

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