Rolling Bearing Diagnosis Based on the Higher Order Spectra



Published Nov 10, 2020
Len Gelman Tejas H. Patel Brian Murray Allan Thomson


Bearing defect diagnosis is traditionally done using the demodulation/enveloping technology. Diagnosis is mostly based on the spectrum of the squared envelope signal. In literature, the use of the higher order spectra (HOS) has shown to have a tremendous potential for vibration based diagnostics. In this paper we implemented and experimentally validated the higher order spectra based on the envelope analysis for the diagnosis of ball bearing defects. The implemented technology employs the spectral kurtosis to obtain a frequency band for the demodulation and the third order normalized spectra, i.e. the bicoherence for diagnosis of bearing fault. The high effectiveness of the diagnostics of the implemented technology has been experimentally revealed and compared with that of well-known demodulation/enveloping technology.

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vibration analysis, the spectral kurtosis, bearing defect diagnosis, the bicoherence of the defect frequencies, the envelope analysis

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