Robust Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using Jacobian Feature Regression-Based Model Adaptation



Published Jun 27, 2024
Prasham Sheth Indranil Roychoudhury


The accurate and robust prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) is critical for enabling the proactive mitigation of fault effects rather than reacting to them. For RUL prediction, one must model nominal and faulty system behaviors and how different faults progress over time. Complex data-driven machine learning (ML) models may capture both nominal and fault progression by updating the model parameters at different stages. As new data are observed, these model parameters can be updated to keep the system model always accurate. However, complete retraining of these models is both data- and computation-intensive and unsuitable for dynamic, fast-changing environments requiring quick recalibration. This calls for efficiently adapting the model to new operating conditions or the system’s current state. One such efficient way to recalibrate model parameters to newly observed data using Jacobian feature regression (JFR) is presented in Forgione, Muni, Piga, and Gallieri (2023), where a recurrent neural network (RNN) models the current behavior of the dynamic system. Then, any subsequent deviation of observed measurements and the RNN model is attributed to an “unacceptable degradation of the nominal model performance.” To update the RNN model, Forgione et al. (2023) propose augmenting the current model with additive correction terms learned by implementing JFR on observed “perturbed system” data. In this paper, we propose an automated online framework to adapt the model efficiently to always reflect the system’s current state and use it for accurate RUL prediction and select JFR as one such adaptation technique. We extend the implementation of JFR-based model adaptation to hybrid models and demonstrate JFR to be more sustainable than the other retraining methods. Finally, we showcase the application of this approach to the oil and gas industry. A testbed that simulates a digital synthetic oilfield is used to show the effectiveness of this adaptation-based RUL prediction technique.

How to Cite

Sheth, P., & Roychoudhury, I. (2024). Robust Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using Jacobian Feature Regression-Based Model Adaptation. PHM Society European Conference, 8(1), 11.
Abstract 269 | PDF Downloads 142



Transfer Learning, RUL Prediction, Hybrid Modeling, Domain Adaptation

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