Data-Driven Prediction of Unscheduled Maintenance Replacements in a Fleet of Commercial Aircrafts



Published Jun 30, 2018
Gianluca Nicchiotti


Aerospace industries have become increasingly concerned about system availability and reliability.  Data driven based prognosis is an emerging application aimed at building predictive models from readily available maintenance and operational databases. After validation, these models can be integrated into PHM systems to monitor equipment health and predict component failures before such events disrupt operations.

For this project legacy data collected from two databases associated to a fleet of civil aircrafts during a period spanning 5 years have been used. The first database contains Central Management System (CMS) data (BIT messages and Flight Deck Effects), the second logs of maintenance activities.  Part of the data collected from 2012 to mid 2015 have been used for the learning phase the rest spanning 2012-2016 period have been used for validation

The goal is to predict failure events within an interval ranging from two to ten flights in advance to avoid unscheduled maintenance activities and operational disruptions. Hence two flights represent the minimal notice period/prognostics horizon whilst 10 flights is the maximal acceptable wasted life. Data-driven based prognostic uses pattern recognition and machine learning techniques to train historic data. In the proposed approach both techniques have been used. Through Support Vector Machine a prognostics anomaly detection step is initially performed to select the flight legs candidate for a prognostics alert. In a further step a subspace technique, borrowed from image processing domain and named Eigenface, allows to produce the signatures of the different types of maintenance actions and a template matching algorithm determines among the prognostics alert candidates the component to be replaced.

Several tests have been conducted for different types of replacements and results will be presented using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and precision/recall metrics. Information contained in ROC allows the airliner to identify, according to its economic criteria, the optimal prognostics operating points.

How to Cite

Nicchiotti, G. (2018). Data-Driven Prediction of Unscheduled Maintenance Replacements in a Fleet of Commercial Aircrafts. PHM Society European Conference, 4(1).
Abstract 19106 | PDF Downloads 85421



Prognostics Data Driven Pattern Recognition

Technical Papers