Demonstration of Prognostics-Enabled Decision Making Algorithms on a Hardware Mobile Robot Test Platform



Published Sep 29, 2014
Adam Sweet George Gorospe Matthew Daigle Jose ́ R. Celaya Edward Balaban Indranil Roychoudhury Sriram Narasimhan


Prognostics-enabled Decision Making (PDM) is an emerging research area that aims to integrate prognostic health information and knowledge about the future operating conditions into the process of selecting subsequent actions for the system. Previous work developing and testing PDM algorithms has been done in simulation; this paper describes the effort leading to a successful demonstration of PDM algorithms on a hardware mobile robot platform. The hardware platform, based on the K11 planetary rover prototype, was modified to allow injection of selected fault modes related to the rover’s electrical power subsystem. The PDM algorithms were adapted to the hardware platform, including development of a software module framework, a new route planner, and modifications to increase the algorithms’ robustness to sensor noise and system timing issues. A set of test scenarios was chosen to demonstrate the algorithms’ capabilities. The modifications to run with a hardware platform, the test scenarios, and the test results are described in detail. The results show a successful use of PDM algorithms on a hardware test platform to optimize mission planning in the presence of electrical system faults.

How to Cite

Sweet, . A. ., Gorospe, G. ., Daigle, M. ., R. Celaya J. ́. ., Balaban, E. ., Roychoudhury, . I., & Narasimhan, S. (2014). Demonstration of Prognostics-Enabled Decision Making Algorithms on a Hardware Mobile Robot Test Platform. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 541 | PDF Downloads 176



diagnosis, prognosis, decision-making

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