Adaptation of an Electrochemistry-based Li-Ion Battery Model to Account for Deterioration Observed Under Randomized Use



Published Sep 29, 2014
Brian Bole Chetan S. Kulkarni Matthew Daigle


Tracking the variation in battery dynamics as a function of health is presently attracting attention in academia and industry due to the increased usage of expensive batteries in dynamic systems such as aircraft and electric cars. The online adaptation of battery models to account for age-dependent changes in dynamics is necessary to maintain accurate estimates of the remaining system operations that can be supported under battery power. A novel method for the adaptation of parameters in an electrochemical model of a lithium- ion battery is presented here. An unscented Kalman filtering algorithm is shown to enable the production of internal battery state estimates and age-dependent electrochemical model parameter estimates using only battery current and voltage data collected over randomized discharge profiles. The use of only data collected over randomized discharge profiles distinguishes this work from other works that make use of reference discharge cycles to judge battery health. The experimental results presented here compare online model estimates produced by the proposed algorithm to offline model estimates obtained by periodically taking batteries offline to run reference discharge cycles.

How to Cite

Bole, B., S. Kulkarni, C. ., & Daigle, M. . (2014). Adaptation of an Electrochemistry-based Li-Ion Battery Model to Account for Deterioration Observed Under Randomized Use. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 3197 | PDF Downloads 1313



model adaptation, lithium ion battery, electrochemical modeling, unscented Kalman filtering, battery aging

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