Validation of Model-Based Prognostics for Pneumatic Valves in a Demonstration Testbed



Published Sep 29, 2014
Chetan S. Kulkarni Matthew Daigle George Gorospe Kai Goebel


Pneumatic-actuated valves play an important role in many applications. When valves are critical to the successful operation of the system, prognostics of these valves becomes extremely important and valuable. In order to facilitate the validation of prognostics algorithms for pneumatic valves, we have constructed a pneumatic valve testbed for use with a cryogenic propellant loading system. The testbed enables the injection of faults with a controllable fault progression pro- file. Specifically, we can introduce controllable pneumatic gas leaks, the most common faults associated with pneumatic valves. We focus on a valve that moves discretely between open and closed position, and is controlled through a solenoid valve. In this paper, we apply a model-based prognostics approach for pneumatic valves on the testbed. We demonstrate the approach using real experimental data obtained from the testbed.

How to Cite

S. Kulkarni, C. ., Daigle, M. ., Gorospe, G. ., & Goebel, K. . (2014). Validation of Model-Based Prognostics for Pneumatic Valves in a Demonstration Testbed. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 769 | PDF Downloads 206



prognostics, Pneumatic Valves, RUL, Physics Modeling, EOL

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