Distilling the Verification Process for Prognostics Algorithms



Published Oct 14, 2013
Indranil Roychoudhury Abhinav Saxena Jose R. Celaya Kai Goebel


The goal of prognostics and health management (PHM) systems is to ensure system safety, and reduce downtime and maintenance costs. It is important that a PHM system is verified and validated before it can be successfully deployed. Prognostics algorithms are integral parts of PHM systems. This paper investigates a systematic process of verification of such prognostics algorithms. To this end, first, this paper distinguishes between technology maturation and product development. Then, the paper describes the verification process for a prognostics algorithm as it moves up to higher maturity levels. This process is shown to be an iterative process where verification activities are interleaved with validation activities at each maturation level. In this work, we adopt the concept of technology readiness levels (TRLs) to represent the different maturity levels of a prognostics algorithm. It is shown that at each TRL, the verification of a prognostics algorithm de- pends on verifying the different components of the algorithm according to the requirements laid out by the PHM system that adopts this prognostics algorithm. Finally, using simplified examples, the systematic process for verifying a prognos- tics algorithm is demonstrated as the prognostics algorithm moves up TRLs.

How to Cite

Roychoudhury, I., Saxena, A. ., R. Celaya, J. ., & Goebel, K. . (2013). Distilling the Verification Process for Prognostics Algorithms. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2318
Abstract 727 | PDF Downloads 235




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