Fleet-wide health management architecture



Published Sep 25, 2011
Maxime Monnin Alexandre Voisin Jean-Baptiste Leger Benoit Iung


Large complex systems, such as power plants, ships and aircraft, are composed of multiple systems, subsystems and components. When they are considered as embedded in system operating as a fleet, it raises mission readiness and maintenance management issues. PHM (Prognostics and Health Management) plays a key role for controlling the performance level of such systems, at least on the basis of adapted PHM strategies and system developments. However, considering a fleet implies to provide managers and engineers with a relevant synthesis of information and keep it updated regarding both the global health of the fleet and the current status of their maintenance efforts. For achieving PHM at a fleet level, it is thus necessary to manage relevant corresponding knowledge arising both from modeling and monitoring of the fleet. In that way, this paper presents a knowledge structuring scheme for fleet PHM management applied to marine domain.

How to Cite

Monnin, M., Voisin, A. ., Leger, J.-B., & Iung, B. . (2011). Fleet-wide health management architecture. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2011.v3i1.1978
Abstract 301 | PDF Downloads 198



PHM, Fleet, Knowledge modeling, Semantic

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