Metrics, Models, and Scenarios for Evaluating PHM Effects on Logistics Support



Published Mar 26, 2021
Joel J. Luna


The growing potential of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) technology to facilitate the maintenance and support of systems emphasizes the need for the ability to determine just what the impacts and benefits of PHM will be. In order to incorporate a capability to evaluate the effects of PHM in logistics support models, the abstraction of PHM metrics and functions is a necessary step. What are the essential prognostics metrics and functions within a logistics support system that will adequately model the effects of PHM? The purpose of this paper is identifying overall categories for understanding the different types of impacts and benefits a PHM system can have from a logistics support perspective. This paper also discusses how prognostics can be assessed by a modeling capability implemented in a legacy logistics support discrete-event simulation, and some examples and results for different support scenarios implementing a prognostics capability.

How to Cite

J. Luna, J. . (2021). Metrics, Models, and Scenarios for Evaluating PHM Effects on Logistics Support. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from
Abstract 507 | PDF Downloads 219



logistics, performance metrics, prognostic performance

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