A View of Standards for Prognostics and Health Management



Published Nov 10, 2020
Jeff Bird Ginger Shao


The mandate of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society includes attention to standards because of their benefit in providing generally accepted technical specifications thus enabling adoption of practices across the health management domain. While there are a number of other organizations with strong foci on standards, the society recognizes the need for harmonization and coordination in this field. This communication summarizes observations from the standards panel session during 2012 PHM conference with participants from the Federal Aviation Administration, Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, International Standards Organization and Society of Automotive Engineering. Steps for a way forward are proposed and mechanisms for interested parties to participate are suggested.

Abstract 217 | PDF Downloads 405



PHM Standards

ANSI (2013). Standards Boost Business website http://www.standardsboostbusiness.org/, Accessed August 2013.
PHM Society (2012). Standards Panel http://www.phmsociety.org/events/conference/phm/12/phm_standards, Accessed August 2013.
SAE (2013). SAE Aerospace Council Organization Chart, http://www.sae.org/standardsdev/aerospace/2013_AeroOrgChart.pdf , Accessed August 2013.
Uckun (2010). PHM Society Standards Forum Post. http://www.phmsociety.org/node/397
xkcd (2013). Online cartoon http://xkcd.com/927/ Accessed August 2013.