A rolling bearing state evaluation method based on deep learning combined with Wiener process
As a key component of rotating parts, rolling bearings largely determine the operation safety of equipment. However, in practical applications, because the degradation trajectory of rolling bearings cannot be truly characterized, the existing model cannot accurately describe the degradation trajectory of rolling bearings, resulting in the running state of rolling bearings cannot be directly evaluated. Therefore, a method of rolling bearing state assessment based on deep learning combined with Wiener process is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a deep network model is constructed by deep learning to mine the degradation information of rolling bearings. Secondly, the mined degradation information is fused, and then the degradation indicator used to characterize the degraded trajectory of the rolling bearing is constructed. Then, based on Wiener process, the degradation model of rolling bearing is established to describe the degradation mode of rolling bearing. Finally, the constructed degradation indicator is input into the established degradation model to predict its RUL, and then the running state of the rolling bearing is evaluated.
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Rolling bearing, Deep learning, Wiener process, State evaluation
Figure10. Bearing1_3 service status 4. CONCLUSION In order to evaluate the service status of rolling bearings, this paper proposes a rolling bearing status evaluation method based on deep learning combined with Wiener process. Since the existing DIs cannot characterize the degradation trajectory of rolling bearings. This paper uses a 1DCNN to extract the DIs of rolling bearings. Aiming at the problem of the RUL of rolling bearings, this paper constructs a degradation model of rolling bearings based on the Wiener process, and uses its PDF to estimate the RUL of rolling bearings. The RUL of the rolling bearing is mapped to its service status, thereby completing the service status assessment of the rolling bearing. This paper uses the IEEE PHM 2012 public data set to verify the method. The experimental results show that the extracted DI has good trend and monotonicity, and the service status assessment of the rolling bearing has good accuracy. However, the contribution of this paper is limited. From the verification results, the bearing prediction accuracy is largely determined by the constructed DI and the complexity of the model. Therefore, the follow-up work of this paper will start from mining the degradation information of bearings and establishing more complex prediction models to improve the prediction accuracy of bearings. memory network for rolling bearings', Advanced Engineering Informatics, 48. Hu, C. H., H. Pei, X. S. Si, D. B. Du, Z. N. Pang, and X. Wang. 2020. 'A Prognostic Model Based on DBN and Diffusion Process for Degrading Bearing', Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67: 876777. Kogan, G., R. Klein, A. Kushnirsky, and J. Bortman. 2015. 'Toward a 3D dynamic model of a faulty duplex ball bearing', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 54-55: 243-58.
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