Leveraging Generative and Probabilistic Models for Diagnostics of Cyber-Physical Systems
A critical task for system operators is the precise identification of the root causes underlying an error situation. This identification is fundamental in deciding optimal maintenance actions, such as replacing a component versus calibrating it. However, the actual causes of an error are often neither measured nor unique. The measured quantities are the result of complex interactions between different error causes and system variables. Root cause identification in this context becomes a matter of inferring hidden causes from their measurable effects. This challenge is notably pronounced in cyber-physical systems comprising control loops. Control mechanisms, integral to maintaining system performance, introduce a layer of complexity in diagnostics and ultimately complicate the isolation of the underlying causes of errors. To address this challenge, we introduce a two-step approach to derive the hidden causes as a statistical inference task. First, we develop a generative model leveraging existing control software and expert-based insights into the mechanisms of errors, i.e., a simulator of synthetic data given some hidden error causes. Then, we transform the generative model into a probabilistic program on which statistical inference can be executed within a probabilistic programming language framework. This inference effectively estimates the hidden causes given some measured data from the system. Being intrinsically a statistical approach, these inferences come with a confidence interval. We applied this methodology to an industrial printer’s sheet transport belt, operating in a closed-loop configuration. Our approach successfully discerned the contributions of three distinct hidden causes to the belt’s deviation from its intended position. This paper highlights the efficacy of generative modeling followed by a probabilistic programming approach in unraveling complex interactions within cyber-physical systems for optimal maintenance.
How to Cite
cyber-physical systems, root-cause analysis, Bayesian inference, probabilistic programming, generative models
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