Enhancing Lithium-ion Battery Safety: Analysis and Detection of Internal Short Circuit basing on an Electrochemical-Thermal Modeling
As the main cause of thermal runaway, the prompt identification of Internal Short Circuit (ISC) occurrences in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has emerged as a critical priority for ensuring battery safety. To address this critical need, for a comprehensive understanding of ISC behaviors, an electrochemical-thermal-ISC coupled model has been developed in this work to simulate battery performance across various ISC levels. This model is also utilized to validate the efficacy and robustness of the advanced detection approach proposed. By integrating both thermal and electrical aspects using the Pseudo Two-Dimensional (P2D) and Energy Balance Equation (EBE), our model serves as an efficient surrogate for ISC experiments. Key ISC indicators have been analyzed and integrated into the proposed ISC detection algorithm to enhance its effectiveness. The algorithm utilizes an Equivalent Circuit Model (ECM)-based approach for estimating ISC resistance. This research not only advances our understanding of ISC dynamics but also establishes a robust framework for the timely and reliable detection of ISCs. These advancements significantly enhance the overall safety and reliability of LIBs in electric vehicles (EVs).
How to Cite
Lithium-ion batteries, Internal short circuit, Pseudo Two-Dimentional, Battery detection
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