Study on Condition Based Maintenance Using On-Line Monitoring and Prognostics Suitable to a Research Reactor



Published Jul 8, 2014
Sanghoon Bae Hanju Cha Youngsuk Suh


The purpose of this paper is to look into a more effective way for how condition based maintenance using on-line monitoring and prognostics can be applied to the components/systems in the field of a research reactor, which has been demanded to upgrade or modify the existing MMIS. The requirements of the contemporary diagnostics and prognostics herein are briefly introduced and then an assessment of the actual application to a research reactor is reviewed.

How to Cite

Bae, S., Cha, H., & Suh, Y. (2014). Study on Condition Based Maintenance Using On-Line Monitoring and Prognostics Suitable to a Research Reactor. PHM Society European Conference, 2(1).
Abstract 148 | PDF Downloads 150



condition based maintenance (CBM), prognostics, research reactor (RR), On-line monitoring

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