SYSAI for System Health Management - a Statistical Framework for the Analysis of Diagnosis Systems



Published Nov 5, 2024
Yuning He Johann Schumann


On-board failure diagnosis and health management systems (HMS) are crucial for the operation of complex autonomous aerospace systems. False alarms (false positives, FPs) or false negatives (FNs) can lead to lower system performance or even loss of mission or the autonomous vehicle. Therefore, a careful verification and validation (V&V) is important. Due to the high dimensionality of the system’s state space, however, exhaustive testing of the HMS is usually not possible.

In this paper, we present how our SYSAI (System Analysis for Systems with AI components) framework can support intelligent analysis and testing of HMS on the system level. SYSAI’s capabilities to efficiently explore high-dimensional state and parameter spaces and to identify diagnosability regions and their boundaries, makes a comprehensive analysis of the diagnosis system possible and can provide feedback to the designer. We will illustrate our approach using the ADAPT (Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics Testbed) redundant power storage and distribution system.

How to Cite

He, Y., & Schumann, J. (2024). SYSAI for System Health Management - a Statistical Framework for the Analysis of Diagnosis Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 16(1).
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statistical analysis, verification and validation, runtime assurance

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