Deep Regression Network with Prediction Confidence in Time Series Application for Asset Health Estimation
Many works have been focused in developing detection, monitoring and prediction routines for asset health estimation system. Classic machine learning based models benefit from quality of physics-informed features available from domain knowledge. This, however, can be labor intensive and is limited by quality of features developed through available knowledge. Deep learning based approach, if successful, can alleviate this laborious step. On the other hand, users often need to decide whether or not to trust an algorithmic prediction while the true error in the prediction is unknown. In this work, we propose a deep learning based regression network that output both prediction value and confidence score for asset health estimation in short intermittent transients time series application. In the experimental study, we show that our model has low prediction error given short intermittent transients multivariate time series as input. Furthermore, our model also provides a confidence score for each prediction that is highly negatively correlated with true prediction error. Experiments show that by setting an acceptance threshold on confidence score, our model can reach an averaged improvement of 20% on the prediction quality with 90% coverage.
How to Cite
Time series regression, confidence score, Asset Health Estimation
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