Process for Turboshaft Engine Performance Trending



Published Oct 26, 2023
Eric Bechhoefer Mina Hajimohammadali


Turboshaft engines are ubiquitous in aerospace applications where high power and reliability are needed in a low-weight package. Most all helicopters incorporate turboshaft engines. All turboshaft-equipped aircraft have power assurance checks to ensure the engine can achieve the minimum specification for power. However, these checks seldom are automatically collected, nor do they trend the engine health over time to better assess vehicle health. Engines degrade over time, and the ability to assess when maintenance is required is accentual for the safe and efficient operation of the aircraft. This paper covers a process to evaluate a turboshaft engine's state of health using a model-based assessment of the engine’s performance margin over time.

How to Cite

Bechhoefer, E., & Hajimohammadali, M. . (2023). Process for Turboshaft Engine Performance Trending. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 15(1).
Abstract 652 | PDF Downloads 466



Engine Performance, PHM, trend, fault detection

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