Enabling in-time prognostics with surrogate modeling through physics-enhanced Dynamic Mode Decomposition method



Published Oct 28, 2022
Katelyn Jarvis Matteo Corbetta Christopher Teubert Stefan Schuet


Computational models provide essential quantitative tools for assessing and predicting the health and performance of physical systems. However, high-fidelity models are rarely used in real-time operations or large optimization loops, due to their time-intensive nature. A common approach to improving computational efficiency of prognosis is to employ surrogate models. Such models can significantly decrease computation time for some accuracy loss. In this context, use of Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is proposed to generate surrogate models for lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery discharge. DMD has been suggested and used successfully in the area of fluid dynamics for over a decade, but it has not been applied to the Prognostics and Health Management domain, where farahead prediction of nonlinear behavior is crucial to propagate faults or predict Remaining Useful Life (RUL). For Li-ion battery health management, the standard application of DMD using only the observable quantities of interest was unable to capture the nonlinear discharge of batteries exhibited in lab testing. A potential solution was found by implementing Koopman theory, which considers the dynamics of nonlinear systems. Koopman theory provides a mechanism to trade-off low dimensional nonlinear models with high-dimensional linear ones in a DMD framework, by augmenting nonlinear state variables into the system representation. For battery health management, we augmented the observable variables with the hidden states of a higher-fidelity physics model to build the DMD surrogate. In comparison to a high-fidelity model, the surrogate improved computational efficiency with only a minimal loss of accuracy, and enabled long-term prognostics horizons. A generalized method for this was implemented in the ProgPy python packages.

How to Cite

Jarvis, K., Corbetta, M., Teubert, C., & Schuet, S. (2022). Enabling in-time prognostics with surrogate modeling through physics-enhanced Dynamic Mode Decomposition method . Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2022.v14i1.3238
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Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Surrogate Modeling, Prognostics

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