Federated Learning on Tamperproof Data for PHM on Marine Vessels Using a Docker Based Infrastructure



Published Oct 28, 2022
Nikita Karandikar Knut Erik Knutsen
Shuai Wang Grunde Løvoll


Prognostics and health management (PHM) on systems such as vehicles and marine vessels are sometimes held back by complexities relating to data ownership and intellectual property rights. This is particularly true when multiple Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) deliver components or sub-systems to a customer while having an interest in monitoring and maintenance of said components or sub-systems. Further, the collection of PHM data from a fleet which may be non-uniform and spread across the globe with varying degrees of connectivity can be challenging from a bandwidth and cybersecurity point of view. Federated learning may address some of these challenges and open up new opportunities for how to approach PHM on a global and non-uniform fleet of components or systems. In this article, we will discuss how a Docker based infrastructure for data collection, storage and analysis in combination with a methodology for tamperproofing PHM data can be a powerful substrate for bringing trust and transparency to federated learning implementations of PHM algorithms. We also demonstrate a basic blockchain enabled federated learning experiment using the proposed Docker based infrastructure in combination with centralized data centers.

How to Cite

Karandikar, N., Knutsen, K. E., Wang, S., & Løvoll, G. (2022). Federated Learning on Tamperproof Data for PHM on Marine Vessels Using a Docker Based Infrastructure. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2022.v14i1.3149
Abstract 783 | PDF Downloads 488



federated learning, trust in data, blockchain, docker, phm

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