Inception Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Turbofan Engines



Published Dec 1, 2021
Nathaniel DeVol Christopher Saldana Katherine Fu


Accurate estimation of the remaining useful life (RUL) is a key component of condition based maintenance (CBM) and prognosis and health management (PHM). Data-based models for the estimation of RUL are of particular interest because expert knowledge of systems is not always available and physical modeling is often not feasible. In this paper, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is investigated for its ability to estimate the RUL of turbofan engines. The input to the model is a window of time series data collected from the engine under test. Inputting raw sensor data allows features to be learned instead of manually determined. To incorporate the ability to detect features of differing lengths, inception modules are used in the neural network architecture. The model is trained and tested using the new Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (N-CMAPSS) data set and high prognosis accuracy was achieved. The developed model was used in the 2021 PHM Society Data Challenge and received second place, further validating its ability to accurately estimate RUL.

How to Cite

DeVol, N., Saldana, C., & Fu, K. (2021). Inception Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Turbofan Engines. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 13(1).
Abstract 1026 | PDF Downloads 829



CNN, RUL, convolutional neural network, remaining useful life, inception, turbofan, data challenge

Data Challenge Papers