D-matrix Based Fault Modeling for Cryogenic Loading Systems



Published Oct 18, 2015
Anuradha Kodali Ekaterina Ponizovskaya-Devine Peter Robinson Dmitry Luchinsky Anupa Bajwa


The study is motivated by NASA plans to develop technology for an autonomous cryogenic loading operation including online fault diagnostics as a part of Integrated Health Management system. For years, the diagnostic modeling effort is performed in many paradigms. None of these paradigms independently can provide a complete set of efficiency metrics: better diagnostics, lower run-time, etc. D-matrix, a causal 0-1 relationship between faults and tests, is proposed as a single representation between different model-based diagnostic methods for comparison and communication. This framework is suitable to create a common platform for communication via D-matrix for systems engineering process. The knowledge transfer between modeling techniques is done via D-matrix. In addition, D-matrix provides a common paradigm to compare the embedded knowledge and performance of heterogeneous diagnostic systems. D-matrix is generated from physics models to be used with faster run-time performance D-matrix based diagnostic algorithms. Additionally, we will also investigate if the derived D- matrix and thereby the physics model is sufficient and accurate for efficient diagnostics via iDME tool.

How to Cite

Kodali, A. ., Ponizovskaya-Devine, E. ., Robinson, P. ., Luchinsky, D. ., & Bajwa, A. . (2015). D-matrix Based Fault Modeling for Cryogenic Loading Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2015.v7i1.2604
Abstract 275 | PDF Downloads 177



cryogenic loading, two-phase flow, integrated health management, D-matrix

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