Probabilistic Prognosis of Non-Planar Fatigue Crack Growth



Published Oct 3, 2016
Patrick E. Leser John A. Newman James E. Warner William P. Leser Jacob D. Hochhalter Fuh-Gwo Yuan


Quantifying the uncertainty in model parameters for the purpose of damage prognosis can be accomplished utilizing Bayesian inference and damage diagnosis techniques such as non-destructive evaluation or structural health monitoring. The number of samples required to solve the Bayesian inverse problem through common sampling techniques (e.g., Markov chain Monte Carlo) renders high-fidelity finite element-based
damage growth models unusable due to prohibitive computation times. However, these types of models are often the only option when attempting to model complex damage growth in real-world structures. Here, a recently developed highfidelity fatigue crack growth model is used which, when compared to finite element-based modeling, has demonstrated reductions in computation times of three orders of magnitude through the use of surrogate models and machine learning. A probabilistic prognosis framework incorporating this model is developed and demonstrated for non-planar crack growth in a modified edge-notched aluminum tensile specimen. Predictions of remaining useful life are made over time for five
updates of the damage diagnosis data, and prognostic metrics are utilized to evaluate the performance of the prognostic framework. Challenges specific to the probabilistic prognosis of non-planar fatigue crack growth are highlighted and discussed in the context of the experimental results.

How to Cite

Leser, P. E., Newman, J. A., Warner, J. E., Leser, W. P., Hochhalter, J. D., & Yuan, F.-G. (2016). Probabilistic Prognosis of Non-Planar Fatigue Crack Growth. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 8(1).
Abstract 338 | PDF Downloads 189



fatigue crack growth, Uncertainty Quantification, Bayesian inference, Remaining useful Life, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), surrogate modeling, finite element analysis, non-planar cracks

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