SIL/HIL Replication of Electric Aircraft Powertrain Dynamics and Inner-Loop Control for V&V of System Health Management Routines



Published Oct 14, 2013
Brian Bole Christopher Teubert Cuong Chi Quach Edward Hogge Sixto Vazquez Kai Goebel George Vachtsevanos


Software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop testing of failure prognostics and decision making tools for aircraft systems will facilitate more comprehensive and cost-effective testing than what is practical to conduct with flight tests. A framework is described for the offline recreation of dynamic loads on simulated or physical aircraft powertrain components based on a real-time simulation of airframe dynamics running on a flight simulator, an inner-loop flight control policy executed by either an autopilot routine or a human pilot, and a supervisory fault management control policy. The offline testing framework is described for the example of battery charge depletion failure scenarios onboard a prototype electric unmanned aerial vehicle.

How to Cite

Bole, B., Teubert, C., Chi Quach, C. ., Hogge, E. ., Vazquez, S. ., Goebel, K. ., & Vachtsevanos, G. . (2013). SIL/HIL Replication of Electric Aircraft Powertrain Dynamics and Inner-Loop Control for V&V of System Health Management Routines. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1).
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verification and validation, Battery discharge prognostics, SIL/HIL testing, unmanned aerial vehicle

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