Fault Diagnosis in Automotive Alternator System Utilizing Adaptive Threshold Method



Published Sep 25, 2011
Ali Hashemi Pierluigi Pisu


In this paper, an observer-based adaptive threshold is developed as part of a fault diagnosis scheme to detect and isolate commonly occurring faults in a vehicle alternator system. Since the mathematical model of the alternator subsystem is quite involved and highly nonlinear; in order to simplify the diagnostic scheme, an equivalent linear time varying model based on the input-output behavior of the system is used for threshold equations derivation. A novel approach using Gaussian distribution to obtain the parameters of the system is investigated. The validity of the proposed diagnosis scheme is tested through simulation and the results are presented.

How to Cite

Hashemi, A. ., & Pisu, P. . (2011). Fault Diagnosis in Automotive Alternator System Utilizing Adaptive Threshold Method. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2011.v3i1.2052
Abstract 386 | PDF Downloads 289



diagnosis, fault detection, vehicle electrical system

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