A Framework for Integrating Requirements-Based Design and Diagnosis



Published Oct 11, 2010
Gregory Provan


Two key impediments for the commercial success of model-based diagnosis (MBD) include(a) a failure to integrate diagnostics modeling within the requirements and design phase, and(b) a high degree of diagnostic ambiguity during run-time. This article addresses both of these impediments by providing a formal framework that integrates requirements-based design with MBD modeling. The proposed framework extends the consistency-based theory of MBD with a requirements-based design theory based on contracts.

How to Cite

Provan, G. (2010). A Framework for Integrating Requirements-Based Design and Diagnosis. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2010.v2i1.1942
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 207



model-based methods, PHM system design and engineering

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