Towards StateCharts Based Failure Propagation Analysis for Designing Embedded PHM Systems



Published Mar 26, 2021
Scott Kramer Irem Y.Tumer


Modern complex systems have evolved into artifacts that rely on both hardware and software to dependably function without human control. Health management software control systems have been developed to manage failures in such complex systems. The Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) systems have also developed to detect and identify failures and support operation by guiding either operator or automated software response. Of growing of importance in the PHM community is the need to develop formal methodologies to help integrate PHM into the system architecture during the early design stages. Early integration provides designers with the potential to consider PHM capabilities and limitations and make appropriate changes to the overall system earlier in the design stage, where changes are less costly and more effective. In previous work, the Function Failure Identification Propagation Framework (FFIP) was introduced as a novel methodology to help with early design of PHM systems, followed by several required augmentations to make FFIP more effective for PHM design specifically. In this paper, this research is extended by taking the data gathered from FFIP and applying a development language often used in the field of embedded systems design. Specifically, the concept of State- Charts from the embedded systems design field is used to further augment the FFIP methodology to more completely program the Function Failure Logic (FFL) reasoner module within FFIP. Stat- eCharts are shown to augment the FFIP framework by clearly laying out the hierarchical relationships between system health, function health, component status, command signal, and sensor signals. StateCharts are then applied to the development of a preliminary PHM hardware and software architecture using a liquid fuel rocket engine as a working example. Additional considerations, such as sensor and software reliability, as well as future considerations are discussed.

How to Cite

Kramer , S. ., & Y.Tumer, I. . (2021). Towards StateCharts Based Failure Propagation Analysis for Designing Embedded PHM Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 116



failure analysis, failure modes effects and criticality analysis (FMECA), PHM system design and engineering

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