Cost-Benefit Analysis Trade-Space Tool as a Design-Aid for the U.S. Army Vehicle Health Management System (VHMS) Program



Published Mar 26, 2021
Jason Hines Lorri Bennett Chris Ligetti Jeff Banks LTC Scott Nestler


The U.S. Army Program Management Office, Heavy Brigade Combat Team (PM-HBCT) is working towards embedding enhanced diagnostic and prognostic capabilities onto the current fleet of HBCT ground vehicles – including the M1A2 SEPv2, M1A1 AIM, M2A2 ODS/SA, M2A3, M109A6 Paladin PIM, and the M88A2 – through the Vehicle Health Management System (VHMS). In order to focus the VHMS design and development effort, and to apply solution technologies to vehicle subsystems and components that offer the greatest benefit, the Applied Research Lab at Penn State University (ARL/PSU) was tasked with developing a cost-benefits based design tool that provides decision-makers with the ability to explore the trade-space of potential VHMS design alternatives. The cost-benefit analysis (CBA) trade-space tool does not automatically identify the “best” design, but instead supports a flexible methodology for examining the relative costs and benefits of alternative designs through the user’s selective consideration and weighting of calculated metrics. This approach allows stakeholders with differing perspectives on decision criteria to work collectively towards an optimal design configuration, or set of designs. The developed tool is intended to be used as an engineering design aid, and not as a replacement for a formal CBA or analysis of alternatives (AoA). This paper will describe the trade-space models and the resultant design tool that was developed for the Abrams and Bradley VHMS designs, with specific focus upon the underlying methodology and approach.

How to Cite

Hines, J., Bennett, L., Ligetti, C., Banks, J., & Scott Nestler, L. (2021). Cost-Benefit Analysis Trade-Space Tool as a Design-Aid for the U.S. Army Vehicle Health Management System (VHMS) Program. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from
Abstract 215 | PDF Downloads 230



condition based maintenance (CBM), cost-benefit analysis, military vehicles, PHM system design and engineering, applications: military

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