Prognosis using Bayesian Method by Incorporating Physical Constraints



Published Sep 4, 2023
Hyung Jun Park Nam Ho Kim Joo-Ho Choi


Accurately predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of industrial machinery is crucial for ensuring their reliability and safety. Prognostic methods that rely on Bayesian inference, such as Bayesian method (BM), Kalman and Particle filter (KF, PF), have been extensively studied for the RUL prognosis. However, these algorithms can be affected by noise when training data is limited, and the uncertainty associated with empirical models that are used in place of expensive physics models. As a result, this can lead to significant prediction errors or even infeasible RUL prediction in some cases. To overcome this challenge, three different approaches are proposed to guide the Bayesian framework by incorporating low-fidelity physical information. The proposed approaches embed inequality constraints to reduce sensitivity to local observations and achieve robust prediction. To determine an appropriate approach and its advantageous features, performance is evaluated by both numerical example and real case study for drone motor degradation.  

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Prognostics, Bayesian method, Uncertainty quantification, Remaining useful life

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