Multi-Label Fault Diagnosis of Rotary Machine via Domain Adversarial Neural Network-Based Domain Generalization Targeting High Range Rotating Speed



Published Sep 4, 2023
Sukeun Hong Jongsoo Lee


Research on deep learning has been increasing in recent years in the field of fault diagnosis in rotary machine. However, compared to training data, real world data is collected from different system conditions and environments. Therefore, real world data has different data
distribution and various noise with the training data, leading to domain shift between data. Due to the problem mentioned above, deep learning often fails to apply on industrial data.
Domain generalization is an emerging deep learning technique to generalize domain discrepancy. In this study, domain adversarial neural network (DANN)-based domain
generalization is proposed for multi-label fault diagnosis of rotary machine. Frequency domain image data were generated via implementing short time fourier transform
(STFT) to the sensor data collected from the test rig. Then, the features are utilized as training data to diagnosis multi-label fault via DANN-based domain generalization.  Moreover, the upper boundary of rotating speed domain of the rotary machine where domain generalization can effectively diagnosis multi-label fault is suggested.

Abstract 138 | PDF Downloads 158



Domain Generalization, Multi-Label Fault Diagnosis, Domain Adversarial Neural Network

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