Discovering Premature Replacements in Predictive Maintenance Time-to-Event Data



Published Sep 4, 2023
Abdallah Alabdallah Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson Yuantao Fan Sepideh Pashami Mattias Ohlsson


Time-To-Event (TTE) modeling using survival analysis in industrial settings faces the challenge of premature replacements of machine components, which leads to bias and errors in survival prediction. Typically, TTE survival data contains information about components and if they had failed or not up to a certain time. For failed components, the time is noted, and a failure is referred to as an event. A component that has not failed is denoted as censored. In industrial settings, in contrast to medical settings, there can be considerable uncertainty in an event; a component can be replaced before it fails to prevent operation stops or because maintenance staff believe that the component is faulty. This shows up as “no fault found” in warranty studies, where a significant proportion of replaced components may appear fault-free when tested or inspected after replacement.

In this work, we propose an expectation-maximization-like method for discovering such premature replacements in survival data. The method is a two-phase iterative algorithm employing a genetic algorithm in the maximization phase to learn better event assignments on a validation set. The learned labels through iterations are accumulated and averaged to be used to initialize the following expectation phase. The assumption is that the more often the event is selected, the more likely it is to be an actual failure and not a “no fault found”.

Experiments on synthesized and simulated data show that the proposed method can correctly detect a significant percentage of premature replacement cases.

Abstract 1173 | PDF Downloads 159



Survival Analysis, Predictive Maintenance, Early Replacements, Genetic Algorithms

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